Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Project Lose Weight Pt 4

I meant to write this earlier today but I am swamped at work and just now have had a chance to sit down.

Yesterday was Week 2 Day 1 of C25K. It was tough. I think it may have been harder then the very first day. My breathing was rough, I really had to focus to keep it steady and not go into a full on asthma attack. It was probably good that I had to focus on my breathing to take my mind off the familiar pains of shin splints.

This was the first time I can remember that I had to really fight my own mind to keep going. The thing is, I KNEW my body could do it. I kept telling myself I could run 90 seconds because I went through labor and gave birth. If my body can do that it can run 90 seconds.

I know it is going to get tougher. Strangely, I am looking forward to see how far I can push this body of mine.

As John Cougar Mellencamp sings, "It hurts so good..."

PS. Thank you for your encouragement. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate every word. It definitely helps me to get through a workout and even to just get to the gym, which we all know is the hardest part. Thank you.



Sarah said...

Ugh now you are making me think about attempting to run on a treadmill again. I hate it compared to running outside but I know it'll be worth it when i can run outside right away instead of walking/struggling when the weather allows.

kerwin said...

You are the bomb! I remember that strange addictive feeling! Way to go!

Laura said...

Awesome job Meg! I'm the first one to stop at the second my mind tells me that "it's too hard" but my heart has been telling me to challenge myself more. This morning on my way to work I was thinking about how this journey is also like an experiment, I want to see just how far I can push myself, how much I can make my body change, how much I can challenge myself. I think looking at it that way is kind of cool.