As you may have heard me say/complain about before, I have a lengthy commute to/from work. It is 25 miles each way. Half is on major roads and the other half is back roads. In the morning it takes me about 35 minutes, door to door. And that is at 5:30am. In the afternoon it takes about 45 minutes, around 2:30pm.
In that time, and for the past 5 years of this commute, I have been able to compile a list of drivers/driving habits that make me go bat shit crazy on the reg.
2. Minivan drivers
3. People who talk/text on cell phones while driving
4. People who talk/text on cell phones while sitting at a stop sign/red light and then do not realize the light has changed and it is their turn to go.
5. Delaware drivers
6. People who drive the speed limit or below.
7. People who ride in the left hand lane on a 4 lane highway, doing the speed limit. Get out of the fast lane, moron.
8. People who drive with both feet causing their brake lights to always be engaged.
9. People who do not use turn signals.
10. When two lanes merge into one and the someone drives right in the middle so no one can get around them.
First edition to the Race Car Diaries:
Today, on my way to work, it was a pretty smooth ride for the first leg of my commute - down the major highways. People either did the same speed as me or got over in the right hand lane. I did not encounter any Prius drivers and it is too early for most minivan drivers. The "fun" part of my commute started when I turned on to the back road and got behind a Subaru. This driver did The speed limit (40) or five BELOW. While there are some stretches of the back road that I could have safely passed this moron, the deer at this time of the morning are as erratic as Charlie Sheen. Needless to say, I suffered the rest of the way to work and I would have been 10 minutes earlier if it wasn't for Law Abiding citizen Steve in his Subaru. Let's hope my drive home isn't as awesome.