Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why I read blogs...

I cannot really remember when or why I started reading blogs. I'll blame it on the mommy brain overload I got goin' on right now for the lack of recollection.

I am pretty sure it was just through a google search of pregnancy that I stumbled on some of my now favorite blogs. From there, I "found" other bloggers/blogs I liked and so the story goes.

A lot of these blogs were a comfort while being pregnant, knowing what I was experiencing was totally normal, although seemed so very strange.

Now, as a mama, finding other blogs that have children the same age or mom's that are working or trying to lose weight helps me feel a little connected to the world outside of the house, my workplace, and school.

What I like about blogs is that there is, on some level, an aspect to relate to. If not, well then I don't read it and move on the next one.

What I Do NOT like about blogs:

Blogs that are shamelessly filled with ads and sponsors. And even worse, POST after POST that just announce  yet another sponsor. I don't read a blog to see who is paying money to have their name dropped. I read it because I like the writing, the funny stories, the wisdom, learning experiences, photos...people I could see myself being friends with in "real life".

Don't get me wrong, I understand a girl is just trying to make some extra moolah doing something she likes.  But it gets old after awhile. It's like Pinterest now with all the stupid ads. Ruining a good thing.

I am more likely to check out a sponsor by seeing an ad in a blogger's sidebar or, like Kelle Hampton does, a small blurb at the end of her interesting, heart felt, lovely image filled post. That is much more attractive then say, being shoved down one's throat.

And I'm not hatin' in any way. I didn't start this blog to make money or rack up readers or page views. I did it to keep a record of our life and maybe make some "friends" along the way. I'd like Avery to be able to look back and see how much I love her, from the very beginning. Who knows what the technology will be in 2 decades anyway.

So with that, I am signing off - lots of work sitting here, calling my name!


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Couldn't have said it better myself!