Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So What Wednesday

I decided to break my non-blogging streak and link up with Shannon at L.A.I.D <heehee> again to do a So What! Wednesday.

This week I am saying So What! to:

~ So What! if I am seriously considering taking off Monday to sleep. Really. Changing the clocks really messed me up, even though it is only an hour. And since I already feel sleep deprived (and NO, it is not because of the baby - that girl sleeps 12 hours a night), I am only imagining how much more tired I will be after "losing" a hour.

~ So What! if I haven't blogged about my weight loss. Doesn't mean I am not still doing it - I am. I have just sick of talking/writing about it and am focusing more on the doing and not just Saying.

~ So What! if I got my hair cut to be able to wear it naturally curly and for the past 2 weeks, I have straightened it. Everyone needs a change now and again.

~ So What! if my feet could be mistaken for a male troll's and I am too embarrassed to take them to get a pedicure. We are going to Florida in May so maybe I will get the courage up by then to go.

~ So What! if I have used my "Spring Break" to do! I think it is has given me the extra motivation I need to get this done and over with so I can spend EVERY afternoon with Avery and go to bed at a decent time (as opposed to being up late doing school work and/or going to class)

~ So What! if I started my Spring cleaning with a cleaning of my Facebook "friends", Instagram followers, blogs-I-follow. I feel a little lighter.

Go check out Shannon's SWW and all the others that have linked up too!

Happy Wednesday!


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